Friday, September 09, 2005

Dennys is running a test in Houston next week

Dennys is running a test in Houston next week, so Alice is going down to observe. It's running at a store near Hobby Airport, and I didn't really want her staying out by Hobby--neighborhood is a little industrial/sketchy around there. She wanted to stay in the Galleria so she could go get her hair cut--she still hasn't found a hairdresser out here she likes, and so every time she goes to Houston on business she makes an appointment with Ferita at Visible Changes there in the Galleria. But I told her (she's almost retarded when it comes to directions/traffic/travel times) that the drive from the Galleria to Hobby could be not much fun, and that I thought she should look downtown.

So she told her corporate travel folks to put her someplace downtown, and they put her at the Holiday Inn Express right across from the Brown Convention Center. And that makes me uncomfortable, because they're using the Brown as a shelter for people displaced by Katrina. It makes me uncomfortable on several levels, actually. One, I'm a little worried about her safety, and two, I'm a little worried that I'm worried about her safety. I mean, this very weekend I was spouting off to my in-laws about how if the storm had been in Orange County, CA we would have seen a lot faster response, that nobody seemed (to me) to care very much about a bunch of poor black people in New Orleans. But I have to say, in all honesty, if they were using the Brown for refugees from Orange County I wouldn't be as worried.

Does that make me a bad person?



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