Friday, September 09, 2005

Gladys down the block died three months ago

Gladys down the block died three months ago. And last night her kids auctioned off everything left in the house. I bet there were three hundred people there--surprised the heck out of me. At any rate, I walked out the front door at about 7:00 to check on the sprinklers, and somebody had parked right in front of my driveway. They'd completely blocked it--no way to get out. And--with that morning's "dropping-of-the-baby" incident still fresh in my mind--this disturbed me. If I needed to get out, there was no way to do it.

I went back inside, and Alice--who was even more scarred by the "dropping-of-the-baby" incident--told me to call a wrecker company to have it towed immediately. But being a nice guy, I decided instead to walk over to Gladys's and ask the auctioneer to announce that the car needed to be moved. Which I did, and he did.

Ten minutes later the car was still there. So I walked back and asked the auctioneer to announce that if it wasn't moved, it would be towed. As I was walking back home I heard him announce it, and by the time I got back to the house this guy was fast-walking towards the offending car with his keys in his hand. "Sorry about that", I called, "but you've got my driveway completely blocked. I can't get out."

He turned to me, and gave me the finger. Gave me the finger! Next time I'll follow Alice's advice and just have it towed.

Actually, I probably won't.



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